Welcome to “Django,” Python-based web framework that runs on a web serve
What you’ll learn?
Module 1: Introduction to Django
- Introduction to Django framework and its features
- Installing Django and setting up a project
- Understanding the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
- Creating a basic Django application
- Introduction to Django’s admin interface
Module 2: Django Models and Database Integration
- Creating models and database tables using Django’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
- Defining relationships between models (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many)
- Performing database operations (CRUD) with Django’s ORM
- Migrations: Managing database schema changes
- Querying data using Django’s ORM
Module 3: Views and URL Routing
- Creating views and mapping URLs to views
- Understanding URL patterns and regular expressions
- Passing data to views via URL parameters
- Using Django’s built-in views (ListView, DetailView, etc.)
- Handling form submissions in views
Module 4: Templates and Static Files
- Creating and rendering templates in Django
- Template inheritance and reusable template components
- Templating language fundamentals (variables, filters, loops, conditionals)
- Handling static files (CSS, JavaScript, images) in Django
Module 5: Forms and User Input Handling
- Creating and rendering forms in Django
- Handling form submissions and validation
- Working with form data in views
- Customizing form behavior and appearance
- Implementing user authentication and registration forms
Module 6: Django Admin and CRUD Operations
- Customizing Django admin interface
- Creating models and managing data through the admin interface
- Implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in Django
- Understanding and using Django’s generic views for CRUD operations
Module 7: Authentication and Authorization
- User authentication and login functionality
- User registration and password reset
- User roles and permissions
- Implementing authorization and access control in Django
- Protecting views and resources based on user roles
Module 8: Working with APIs
- Building APIs using Django REST Framework
- Serializers: Converting models and data to JSON/XML responses
- Handling API requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- Authenticating and authorizing API requests
- Consuming external APIs in Django applications
Course Nature: 20% Theory 80% Practical
Er. Sushan Shakya
Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering
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