IBM SPSS is a computer program that can be used to analyze data and make models based on statistics. research in various disciplines for quantitative analysis of complex data.

What you’ll learn?

Mr. Krishna Nakarmi
Mr. Sunil Shrestha

Mr. Nakarmi is Gold Medalist in M.Sc in Statistics and more than 2 decades of experience in teaching.
Mr. Shrestha, M.sc in Statistics, More than 2 decades of experience in teaching.

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  • Introduction of SPSS, its importance and uses
  • How to run SPSS
  • Getting started with SPSS
  • Explanation of on screen display of SPSS window
  • Creating and saving SPSS data files
    Entering and coding of data
    Defining variables
    Selecting the type of data
    Labeling data
    Viewing labels in data sheet
  • Editing SPSS data
    Copying/deleting/Pasting etc.
    Inserting deleting variables / cases / sorting cases / making transpose
    Searching data
  • Viewing, Formatting and saving SPSS output file, Copying SPSS output file. SPSS output information to ms word
    Printing saved data and output files
    Constructing and printing graphs
    Constructing tables
    Basic, general and frequency
  • Recording the given data set
    Into same variable
    Into different variable
  • Analyzing data
    Computing descriptive Statistics on Central Tendency (mean, Mode, Median, Geometric Mean etc.) Dispersion (Standard Deviation, Variance), positional Average (Quartiles, Percentiles), Skew ness and Kurtosis
    Creating frequency tables and Cross tabulations
  • More on Statistical Analysis
    Test of Signification such as one sample test, independent sample test period sample test
    Measuring the degree of association between variables by Pearson Correlation Coefficient (simple, partial, multiple). Rank Correlation
    Analysis of Variance / Linear Models (One way, Two way, factorial)
    Non Parametric tests (Binomial, Chi-square, Runs, Kolmogorov Smirnov, two sample and k sample)

spssis used to a research project, a business report, or a personal inquiry, you can use SPSS to organize, manipulate, and visualize your data, and to test your hypotheses and draw conclusions

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