C# and Dot Net

 .NET Framework to build many different types of applications—websites, services, desktop apps, and more with Visual Studio

What you’ll learn?

Section 1: Getting Started with C#
Day 1: Introduction to C# and .NET

Overview of C# and .NET Framework
Setting up the development environment (Visual Studio)
First C# program: “Hello, World!”
Day 2: Basic Syntax and Data Types

Variables, constants, and data types (int, string, bool, etc.)
Basic operations and expressions
Input and output (Console.ReadLine, Console.WriteLine)
Day 3: Control Flow

Conditional statements (if, else if, else, switch)
Loops (for, while, do-while)
Introduction to arrays
Day 4: Methods and Parameters

Defining and calling methods
Method parameters and return types
Overloading methods
Day 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

Introduction to classes and objects
Properties and methods
Constructors and destructors
Day 6: Advanced OOP Concepts

Inheritance and polymorphism
Abstract classes and interfaces
Day 7: Exception Handling

Understanding exceptions
Try, catch, finally blocks
Creating custom exceptions
Section 2: Intermediate C# Concepts
Day 8: Collections and Generics

Introduction to collections (List, Dictionary, etc.)
Using generics in collections
LINQ basics
Day 9: File I/O Operations

Reading from and writing to files
Using StreamReader and StreamWriter
Working with file paths
Day 10: Events and Delegates

Understanding delegates
Creating and using events
Lambda expressions
Day 11: Introduction to .NET Core

Differences between .NET Framework and .NET Core
Creating a simple .NET Core console application
Understanding project structure
Day 12: Dependency Injection

Introduction to dependency injection
Using built-in DI in .NET Core
Creating a simple service with DI
Day 13: ASP.NET Core Overview

Introduction to ASP.NET Core
Setting up an ASP.NET Core Web API project
Understanding the project structure
Day 14: Routing and Middleware

Understanding routing in ASP.NET Core
Creating middleware components
Handling requests and responses
Section 3: Building Web Applications
Day 15: Controllers and Actions

Creating controllers and actions
Understanding action results
Model binding
Day 16: Views and Razor Syntax

Introduction to Razor views
Creating views and layouts
Passing data to views
Day 17: Data Access with Entity Framework Core

Introduction to Entity Framework Core
Setting up a database context
Performing CRUD operations
Day 18: API Development

Building RESTful APIs with ASP.NET Core
Understanding HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Testing APIs using Postman
Day 19: Authentication and Authorization

Implementing authentication in ASP.NET Core
Using JWT tokens
Role-based authorization
Day 20: Unit Testing in C#

Introduction to unit testing with xUnit
Writing and running tests
Mocking dependencies
Day 21: Working with JSON and Serialization

Understanding JSON in C#
Serializing and deserializing objects
Working with JSON files
Section 4: Advanced Topics and Making Project
Day 22: Advanced ASP.NET Core Features

Middleware and filters
Custom validation attributes
Exception handling in ASP.NET Core
Day 23: Deployment and Hosting

Deploying ASP.NET Core applications
Hosting on IIS and Azure
Configuring environment variables
Day 24: Project

Build a simple CRUD web application using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework
Implement user authentication
Deploy your application

SWE. Rohit Maharjan

Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Information Technology
AWS Certified with +5 years of experience in related field

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